Minggu, 05 September 2010

Pelayanan Kesehatan Online?

Pelayanan kesehatan dasar dengan cara online (e-visit) mulai diuji cobakan di Amerika dan hasilnya cukup menjanjikan :
"During the 2-year period, 4282 patients were registered for the service. Patients made 2531 online visits, and billings were made for 1159 patients. E-visits were submitted primarily by women during working hours and involved 294 different conditions. Of the 2531 e-visits, 62 (2%) included uploaded photographs, and 411 (16%) replaced nonbillable telephone protocols with billable encounters. The e-visits made office visits unnecessary in 1012 cases (40%); in 324 cases (13%), the patient was asked to schedule an appointment for a face-to-face encounter."
Sekarang aja udah begini, gimana 10 atau 20 tahun ke depan ya? Sementara kita disebagian daerah masih berkutat dengan upaya pemerataan pelayan kesehatan seperti ini.

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